Abel Band Chamber University Presents:
Survival Tactics In A Brutal Economy
Learn survival tactics for your
business at the small business expo and
business lending fair.
Wednesday, Jan. 28 • 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: MCC Lakewood Ranch
Joe Brachle, CSi Networks - Guerilla Networking
Art Mahoney, MCC - Low-Budget Marketing Maneuvers
Jennifer B Compton, Esq. Abel Band - Hiring, Firing and Performance Appraisals
Ray Reher, Innovative CFO Solutions - Financing Options
Robert Chavarria, SBA - SBA Financing
Ron Reuss, Gulfcoast Business Finance - Facilities/Equipment Financing
The Bank of Commerce Colonial Bank, N.A. Liberty Savings Bank SBA
SCORE Dunlap & Moran P.A. ASPIRE partners, LLC
Branch Banking and Trust Co. Format Business Solutions, LLC M&I Bank
Cadence Bank IRS Sabal Palm Bank